The creation of the first official Network of Municipalities for the Marine Environment in Greece is a reality! Following the longstanding efforts from our organization in cooperation with the local authorities and communities of various coastal and island regions and through the numerous memoranda of cooperation and the installation of Marine Litter Collection Stations, the time has come for the country’s government to interconnect with the society for the protection of the marine environment.
The first preparatory meeting with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Amyras, Mayors, elected and service representatives of nine Municipalities, took place today with all participants submitting proposals over the objectives and the operation of the Network as well as next steps and possible areas of interest.

The complex and ambitious project of the Marine Litter Collection Stations’ Network, which has been very successful since its inception and is constantly welcoming new members, has now officially received the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Energy while it has been supported by the kind donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) since October 2020. In this context, the Network aims to highlight and exchange good practices, utilize the accumulated experience for the implementation of horizontal actions and provide consulting work at the central level.
This first meeting aspires to be the continuation of a collective effort to place the marine environment at the heart of politics. An effort that, from its very start, has been uniting municipal authorities, fishing communities and local groups of citizens in a fight to protect the marine resources and, at the same time, support the development of island and coastal areas.
We keep going strong, motivated and passionate for all that is to come!