A milestone for the Marine Litter Collection Stations

The 19 Marine Litter Collection Stations (MLCS) operating throughout Greece have exceeded the collection of 500,000 recyclable materials and 40 tons of fishing gear! It was in 2019 when the first MDCS started on the island of Antiparos with the aim of showcasing an innovative and effective tool for the prevention and management of marine litter as well as for the education of local communities.

This goal was soon achieved despite the significant and complex challenges associated with their operation. The MLCS were among the few infrastructures promoting the collection for recyclables separated into three streams as well as the collection of fishing gear for upcycling (Blue Cycle). Today, the conclusions and the achievements are significant. The members of the Blue Municipalities Network ensure the smooth operation of the MLCS, the fishermen have embraced and fully utilized the infrastructure, while the materials collected in the bins are fully reusable either through recycling or repurposing.

However, both Aegean Rebreath and the Blue Municipalities Network, as well as each member-municipality individually, have significant data at their disposal. Today, we know that 65% of the materials collected are plastic, providing significant insights to local authorities for the sources of pollution in the coastal and marine environment. This information equally provides orientations for the development of evidence based policies that need to be implemented.

The MLCS network serves as another tangible example of a local practice evolving into a national model, considering the growing desire of more and more municipalities to adopt this specific practice. In this context, marine pollution highlights more than ever the need not to ignore successful practices developed at local level!

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