We are feeling very proud of some of our youngest partners! After a visit from Aegean Rebreath, the Athener Schule’s second grade class were inspired to win the Panhellenic School Competition Bravo Schools 2020 award for ‘best educational approach’ for their excellent work on “Life in the Water”.
Aegean Rebreath was invited to meet the students at the Athener Schule where we delivered our environmental curriculum, including presentations and media materials about our work and the marine environment. The students enthusiastically discussed topics like the value of volunteering and the causes and impact of marine pollution and we were totally inspired by their many questions and their keen desire to learn more about how to protect the seas.

As part of the Aegean Rebreath environmental education curriculum, the students were encouraged, with their teachers, to develop ideas to reduce single use plastics. Over the following months the children totally blew us away, creating paintings, posters, installations, poems, slogans, and videos to share their own messages about marine pollution and to raise awareness. They even built a website that shows how they understand the need to tackle the problem of underwater pollution.

We’re so proud of the students and their work! We feel especially honored to help guide and inform this next generation on whom much of the burden of badly managed pollution and waste will fall. We hope that they will continue the work of Aegean Rebreath, taking their message into their communities and changing the way people behave, and that we have many more opportunities to reach these future environmentalists!