The successful “Small Actions, Big Crimes” program for the careless disposal of cigarette butts, which was implemented for the first time in Greece in the area of Rafina, is being extended to another member of the Blue Municipalities Network: the island of Naxos!
The success of the program, which contributed to the collection of 63,755 cigarette butts within 10 months and achieved a 62% reduction of cigarette butts found in the area of Rafina, attracted the interest of the Ministry of Environment and Energy to extend the program to an island this time.

The program, which will be implemented by Aegean Rebreath and the local authorities of Naxos with the support of BAT Hellas and the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, includes the installation of specially designed containers for the collection of cigarette butts and special signage, the use of a satellite system, actions to raise awareness among residents and visitors as well as the production of primary data.

For our organization, it is important that the Rafina program, which was recognized as a best practice by receiving 5 important awards, is now transferred to an island. This will provide us with additional important conclusions in the effort to formulate a national model for the disposal of cigarette butts.

In this context, members of Aegean Rebreath and executives of BAT Hellas went to Naxos, where they met with the Mayor of Naxos and Small Cyclades and executives of the municipality, in order to determine the implementation framework and the relevant schedule.