To date we have certainly seen visitors from abroad taking the initiative for coast and sea cleanups. What we have not encountered, though, are travelers who are in our country to clean beaches during their tour in Greece and, in fact, during their entire stay in Greece.

From the first moment they were in Greece, Ralf and Tina, members of “One Earth – One Ocean”, contacted us to find out how we could contribute to their idea.

However, in a short time they managed to attract and inspire other travelers who were in the Peloponnese to organize cleanups in different beaches. This caravan passed through the prefectures of Messinia, Ilia and Argolida and proceeded to organized cleanup activities in collaboration with local volunteers.

For us, this practice is quite remarkable and the message very clear: The protection of our seas and coasts coexists with our daily life and routine. Marine pollution is a global problem and has no borders. Our volunteer friends proved that in the best way possible, and, for this reason, communicating their work through our own website is the least we can do!
Thank you Ralf & Tina!