We are pretty keen on returning to the same locations where we previously implemented activities, in order to monitor marine litter concentration. During the last 1.5 year we have thrice visited the small beach located behind the Peace and Friendship Stadium. And the situation we come across is always disappointing.

Within two hours we collected hundreds of plastic bottles, glasses and straws as well as a large number of bags with plastic fragments. But how is it possible to come across this mess when there are regular clean ups in this beach on a regular basis? This time we had to find out the reasoning, since the marine litter we collected didn’t really seem like being in the sea for a long period.

The explanation was simple. The Kifissos estuary is located right next to this beach. Kifissos river crosses the Attica region and plays crucial role in transporting land‐based plastic waste discarded by the citizens of Attica. This fact simply confirms the findings at international level showing that the highest percentage of marine litter starts its journey from land.
The beach of S.E.F. is a clear example of what is happening in Attica. More specifically, it is the mirror of Attica. It mirrors the garbage found in our neighborhoods and our mentality as well….

Η παραλία του Σ.Ε.Φ. αποτελεί ένα ξεκάθαρο παράδειγμα για το τι συμβαίνει στην Αττική. Πιο συγκεκριμένα αποτελεί τον καθρέφτη της Αττικής. Καθρεφτίζει τα σκουπίδια που κυκλοφορούν στις γειτονιές μας και κυριότερα τη νοοτροπία μας ….