Aegean Rebreath is conducting a unique survey that has never been implemented before in Greece! This survey focuses on the challenges and the problems in regard to the implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) 2019/904/EE. Greece is currently in the process of incorporating the directive into national law; however in Aegean Rebreath we know that there are still no tangible conclusions on this issue.

Therefore, our organization has launched an online survey in the area of Messinia, that includes questions given to hotel, bar and restaurant owners as well as consumers. Our objective is to map existing obstacles and collect data that will be used for producing a report that will hopefully be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment.
This is the first time that the consultation process includes business owners and consumers with the aim of exploring practices that could drive the proper implementation of the legislation. The reduction of the single-use plastics is an issue of major importance that concerns all of us; this is why Aegean Rebreath would like to play a key role in this effort. No wonder why we are looking forward to coming back to you in the beginning of 2021 with the results of our survey!