We traveled to Cagliari in Sardinia and met our European partners from Malta, Greece, Italy, Spain and Cyprus, for the interim meeting of the BLUE-ISLES project, co-funded by EUPA (Malta National Agency) through the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.

The project, which aims at strengthening the knowledge and skills of the fishing community and aquaculture workers, and also leverages the effective cooperation and contribution of the relevant municipal employees, has already carried through with the first year of implementation by the completion of the foreseen deliverables.

The objective of the interim meeting was to evaluate the achievements of the project during 2022 but also to effectively plan the next activities that include the use of new technologies and tools, as well as the development of relevant proposals for policymakers in the countries involved: Malta, Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Greece.

An effective and productive meeting whose core agenda included the common problems we all face in the Mediterranean regarding marine environment conservation, the ways to deal with them and the existing practices. At the same time, this was an excellent opportunity to brief our partners about our work and our activities. The conclusions we reached will help us to continue our efforts together with the members of the Blue Municipalities Network. Our sincere thanks to our Italian partners at TDM 2000 ODV for the excellent organization and warm hospitality.