We revisit the case of Zakinthos and the unfair complaint that was submitted against Aegean Rebreath during the scheduled activities on the island on October 2022.

In the past few months, we have repeatedly contacted all competent authorities so as to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. For reasons of principle, we would like to bring out this matter in order not only to lift any doubts regarding the legality of the activities we carry out but also to inform in a reliable way any other organization or group of citizens that are involved – as volunteers – in underwater clean-up activities.
A document issued by the Port Police Directorate of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy in response to a relevant query made by Aegean Rebreath, clarifies that volunteer underwater clean-up activities do not violate the provisions of the applicable legislation.

In this context, we would like to thank both the complainant and any other person involved (see attached complaint), since they gave us the opportunity to repeat that such complaints do not discourage us but rather make us stronger. These actions show that what’s hidden behind their motives is self-interest and not genuine interest and environmental consciousness. However, it is sad to discover that such behaviour comes from members of the diving community and, what’s more, from individuals that declare their interest in the marine environment!
In any case, this incident inevitably asks for everyone to think about which actions have a positive effect on promoting a culture towards the protection of the environment and which ones undermine such efforts.