We announced our new program for the Posidonia Meadows

“Do Not Disturb” is the name of the new program we will implement for the protection of the Posidonia Meadows with the support of Teleperformance and in collaboration with the Hellenic Center for Marine Research and the Municipality of Markopoulo-Mesogaia!

The announcement took place at a venue in the center of Athens, attended by journalists and project key partners. During the press conference the organizers presented the goals and the phases of the program, which aims to highlight a best practice that can be further exploited by other coastal and island municipalities in Greece.

The destruction of Posidonia meadows remains an “invisible” problem for most citizens, but it is quite important for the protection of marine biodiversity and the fight against climate change.

The program includes 5 phases and is based on continuous assessment and monitoring of the Porto Rafti bay. The work is expected to begin immediately as the interest of all partners in the program remains high. This was emphasized by all participants at the event, who also expressed their satisfaction with this unique initiative that unites Civil Society, the private sector, the research community and the local authorities!

The message “Do Not Disturb” is indicative because the partners aim to highlight the importance of the Posidonia Meadows, which must remain intact to continue their silent but valuable environmental contribution.

More information about the program here

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