We launched our 2024 actions in Thailand!

It is not the first time that members of our organization, traveling to other countries, implemented operations to raise awareness for the marine environment. Following our principles, as soon as we found ourselves on an island in Thailand, we contacted the local community in order to organize an awareness campaign. It was the least we could do for a small island that is severely affected by incoming tourism.

From the first moment, we saw that the diving community and other visitors were highly concerned. Forra Diving Center did not only participate but also offered great aid to this effort and our cooperation with their team was flawless and efficient. Volunteers of 8 different nationalities actively participated, proving that marine pollution is a global problem and raises global concern.

Our organization often emphasizes the need for a responsible attitude not only in our daily lives but also when we travel inside and outside Greece. It is clear that mass tourism causes significant problems in local communities and poses a critical challenge to the resilience of ecosystems. For this reason, the least we can do is try to reduce our footprint locally wherever we are on the planet. It is certain that the effort produces results and disseminates important messages to all parts.

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