We are pretty keen on returning to the same locations where we previously implemented activities, in order to monitor marine litter concentration. During the last 1.5 year we have thrice visited the small beach located behind the Peace and Friendship Stadium. And the situation we come across is always disappointing. Within two hours we collected hundreds of plastic bottles, glasses…

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We were more than happy to welcome new volunteer divers during the initiative we organized in Legraina, Athens.  where we carried out an underwater clean up. Most important we had the opportunity to present our work and our methodology and answer the questions of the participants. With this initiative we also achieved one of our main goals concerning the active…

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We are feeling very proud of some of our youngest partners! After a visit from Aegean Rebreath, the Athener Schule’s second grade class were inspired to win the Panhellenic School Competition Bravo Schools 2020 award for ‘best educational approach’ for their excellent work on “Life in the Water”.  Aegean Rebreath was invited to meet the students at the Athener Schule where we…

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In 2019, our agency brought to media attention the existence of an underwater rubbish dump located off the coast of Andros, thus revealing this well-kept secret that had been hidden for eight years with immeasurable disastrous consequences affecting all of the Aegean which had  never been documented. This continuous source of pollution has been feeding into the surrounding marine ecosystem.…

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Dedicating World Oceans Day to our volunteers!

We believe that the World Oceans Day is mainly linked with the environmental democracy and all the volunteers that communicate its concept and principles. Therefore, we would like to dedicate this day to our volunteer partners that ensure the smooth operation of our marine litter stations at a daily basis as well as all those that participate and support our…

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Marine Litter Stations now in Syros and Tinos! We are excited to announce our new Marine Litter Stations currently operational in Syros and Tinos! We have launched our partnership with the local municipal authorities, key local players, the fishing associations and citizen groups on both islands. These groups worked carefully and responsively despite COVID-19 restrictions to reach our common objectives,…

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We are delighted to present to you the documentary SEAMPLY, created by AEGEAN REBREATH in collaboration with the local communities of the 5 islands we visited with the support and funding of A.C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation. SEAMPLY means sea, harmony, freedom, but it also means a much needed effort to live simpler for the benefit of the environment. During our visits we met and worked…

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What we did during the first quarter of 2020!

The world is going through some really testing times, offering some new messages for all of us. Messages that are not entirely negative.  One simply has to note the stunning environmental recovery in the past 1 – 2 months due to the dramatic decrease of human activity. In this context, we were all forced to alter our plans. At Aegean…

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A huge thank you for donating equipment!

Unfortunately we can’t be in the field at the moment but we are in preparation for a busy year! And we are more than lucky to have partners such as TMS Cardiff Gas Ltd., the Day 8 & The Yacht Week, the Institut Français d’Athènes  & Nina Bauch helping us by donating necessary equipment for our activities.  

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Aegean Rebreath and 360 Cocktailbar Restaurant say no to single use plastics

Are we really ready to eliminate single use plastics? Are bar and restaurants owners and employees well informed? Today, we are on a closed meeting at 360 Cocktailbar Restaurant together with the Athens Municipal Authorities and restaurant owners, discussing about the elimination of single use plastics in Monastiraki square in Athens. Useful conclusions about the problems and constructive proposals! 360 Cocktailbar Restaurant has already…

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